Australia is welcoming qualified and talented individuals and their families with arms wide open. Unlike other developed countries, the Australian migration policy is straightforward, transparent and takes lesser time. The General Skilled Worker Migration is the most opted pathways by professionals who are looking to give their career a boost and securing the future in Australia.
However, there are instances – and quite a lot of them – where qualified and eligible migration aspirants commit mistakes when lodging their Australian PR application. The point to understand here is that the number of applicants is always more than the total General Skilled Migration allotments available. Australian authorities scrutinize each application and technical errors in the application push them at back of the lot. This is exactly why it is always advisable to apply through a MARA Registered Agent or lawyer so that the chances of your application getting pushed further down on technical grounds is 100% avoidable.
Here are the 5 common mistakes that can cost you your Australian Permanent Residency
Inconsistence and Non-Cohesive Information
Furnishing of non-cohesive and inconsistent information is the most common mistake that general skilled migration applicants make. Australian home department is extra vigilant and all the information coming from your end is thoroughly verified to ensure its authenticity. For instance, your university graduation dates should match with those on your resume. Same goes for the work experience and other relevant fields. Any doubts can make the scrutiny officers suspicious. For instance, if you are applying under a skilled visa regime with your spouse or de facto partner, then it is imperative that you have verifiable evidences to prove the relationship. Also, another example can be of a job overlap in your resume. You should have the documentary evidence in hand to explain the overlap in order to satisfy the scrutiny officers.
Wrongly Lodged EOI
In order to make sure that you receive a positive outcome on your debut express of interest (EoI) submission, it is important to ensure that the details are consistent and correct. The Expression of Interest (to migrate to Australia) is the first step in the process of obtaining a PR under a general skilled migration visa regime and you don’t want to spoil your positive outcome chances by lodging it incorrectly. According to the Australian migration experts, there are a myriad of reasons that your PR application might be rejected and wrong submission of the EOI tops the causes list.
Documentation Errors
Documentation carries the maximum weightage when applying for the Australian Permanent residency. You must strengthen your eligibility by submitting the relevant documents. Also, it is important to consult the home affair department or an Australian qualified MARA agent regarding the equivalency of your educational documents. In fact, for the General skilled migration program, you will need to have your education and experience documents collated and attested for the Skillset Assessment from the relevant body. This procedure needs to be done before you apply for the EOI. Also, the work-related references you place in your application should be valid and authentic. There is a very high probability of your credentials and the references you quote being cross checked. You’ll need to ensure that your application is error free. This is the reason that its advisable for a qualified attorney or agent to handle and lodge your documents and applications to eliminate all chances of errors.
Lack of Knowledge Regarding the Eligibility Criteria
You need to have a deep understanding of the complete eligibility criterion set by the Australian Home Department for your specific GSM visa subclass. This means that you will need to be extra vigilant and careful when filling out all the information. Your Australian PR visa grant is largely based on the relevant information you provide. You can’t miss any essential information when applying because that can cost you your chance. Although it’s not a once in a lifetime chance but doing it right the first time will save you a lot of money and time. For instance, if you and your partner both qualify under the skilled program then you must consult a registered MARA agent for solutions on adding up partner skills points and making your application stronger. You must make sure that you do not give the scrutiny officers any chance to refuse your application.
Hiding Facts
Honesty is the best policy and your application for migrating to Australia is not an exception. The background check mechanism of the Australian Home Affairs and Immigration department are very comprehensive and fool-proof. Hiding any past convictions, forging work documents and faking education etc in your Australian PR application will not only eliminate any chances of your getting the PR but you might also face stringent consequences on charges of hoodwinking the system. Similarly, you don’t really get off the Australian Immigration department’s radar even after you get the PR and have landed. Any concealment of facts with a mala fide intention to forge your way into Australia can land you in a lot of trouble with authorities in Australia and at home. You need to be honest from the very beginning of the application procedure. However, there can be some complex legal issues such as political victimization, relationship ups-and-downs etc that you might not be able to explain in your application. In these cases, it is strongly advised to get services of certified Australian immigration attorneys who specialize in handling such legal complexities.
Australia has replaced many developed countries as a true land of opportunity. The continent has become famous for rewarding the talent with its due share. Also, Australia is only some of the developed countries that enjoys a multi-cultural harmony that’s deep rooted. Migrating to Australia isn’t just a dream anymore. Every passing moment, the country is making it easier for talented migrants to land and secure their future. However, the aspiring skilled migrants must ensure that there are no glitches in the information submitted so that they solidify their chances of getting the Australian Permanent Residency.
BMS Australia has 30+ years of cumulative experience in providing Australian General Skilled Migration consultancy. We take pride in being a member of MARA along with having some of the best qualified Australian immigration lawyers and registered consultants on board. In case you are looking to increase your chances of success, just click here and leave us a message